March Sunday Services

Sunday 2nd March, 11am, St Tetha, Family Communion

Sunday 2nd March, 4pm, St Thomas, Songs of Praise

Sunday 9th March, 9.30am, St John, Morning Prayer

Sunday 9th March, 11.15am, St Adwena, BCP Holy Communion

Sunday 9th March, 11am, St Tetha, Morning Prayer

Sunday 9th March, 4pm, Prayer and planning for new service

Sunday 16th March, 9.30am, St Thomas Holy Communion

Sunday 16th March, 11am, St Tetha, Holy Communion

Sunday 23rd March, 9.30am, St John, Holy Communion

Sunday 23rd March, 10am, St Tetha, Breakfast Church

Sunday 23rd March, 11.15am St Julitta, BCP Holy Communion

Sunday 23rd March, 7pm, St John, Beacon of Hope

Sunday 30th March, 9.30am, St Thomas Mothering Sunday Holy Communion

Sunday 30th March, 11am, St Tetha, Mothering Sunday celebration

Sunday 30th March, 11am, St John, Mothering Sunday celebration with Delabole Methodists

Sunday 30th March, 4pm, Mothering Sunday praise with afternoon tea

March Weekday services

Wednesday 5th March, 9am, St Adwena, Morning Prayer

Wednesday 5th March, 12noon, St Tetha, Ash Wednesday Holy Communion

Friday 7th March, 8.30am, St Julitta, Breakfast Communion

Friday 7th March, 11am, St Tetha, World day of Prayer

Friday 7th March, 6pm, St Adwena, BCP Compline

Wednesday 12th March, 9am, St Adwena, Morning Prayer

Thursday 13th March, 7pm, St Julitta, Compline

Friday 14th March, 9am, St Julitta, Morning Prayer

Friday 14th March, 6pm, St Adwena, BCP Compline

Wednesday 19th March, 9am, St Adwena, Morning Prayer

Friday 21st March, 9am, St Julitta, Morning Prayer

Friday 21st March, 6pm, St Adwena, BCP Compline

Wednesday 26th March, 9am, St Adwena, Morning Prayer

Thursday 27th March, 7pm, St Thomas, Healing with Holy Communion

Friday 28th March, 9am, St Julitta, Morning Prayer

Friday 28th March, 6pm, St Adwena, BCP Compline