Flower Festival ’23

St Teath’s bi-annual flower festival coincided with St Teath Carnival Week, the last weekend in July.  The theme was “New Beginnings”, giving plenty of opportunity for imaginative and varied displays.  Along with several Action Men and partners adorned with suitable fig leaves appeared babies and their paraphernalia, clocks celebrating new year and even some bees with their honey!  Particular thanks again to Elaine from Bruallen for an amazing altar display, accompanied by some wonderful wedding photos and bridal gowns.   Musical entertainment was supplied by Gareth Stubberfield, James Westerby and the St Teath Choir singing some of its all-time hits.  The hall hosted light refreshments and a range of scrummy cakes. 

The weekend concluded with a Songs of Praise led by lay-reader Claire Salzmann and the ever-hearty St Teath Church Choir, before retreating to the Hall to finish off the cakes.  A particular thanks to Yvonne who has organised many flower festivals, although feels this must be her last.  Long-serving supporters including Lorraine and David have done much to make sure this year was a success.  We’re grateful for donations of £900 which will be used to help ensure St Teath church is supporting its local community in every new beginning.

August Services and Events

Thursday 3rd August afternoon St Teath children’s team “The Beach”

Friday 4th August 9.00 pm St Julittas Holy Communion followed by Breakfast

Sunday 6th August 9.30 am St Thomas Holy Communion for the Transfiguration

Sunday 6th August 11.00 am St Teath Choral Communion for the Transfiguration

Thursday 10th August afternoon St Teath Children’s team “Den Building”

Thursday 10th August 7.00 pm St Julittas Compline

Sunday 13th August 9.30 am St John’s Morning Worship

Sunday 13th August 11.00 am St Teath Morning Worship

Sunday 13th August 11.15 am St Adwena Holy Communion

Thursday 17th August 9.00 pm St Teath children’s team “Boats & Exploring”

Sunday 20th August 9.30 am St Thomas Family Communion

Sunday 20th August 11.00 am St Teath Family Communion

Thursday 24th August afternoon St Teath “Under the Sea”

Sunday 27th August 9.30 am St John’s Holy Communion

Sunday 27th August 10.00 am St Teath Breakfast Service

Sunday 27th August 11.15 am St Julitta Holy Communion with Baptism

Thursday 31st August 7.00 pm St Thomas Healing Service (note change of week)

Wednesdays 9.00 am St Adwena Morning Prayer

Fridays 9.00 am St Julitta Morning Prayer (4th Aug Communion)

Flowers, carnivals and pearls!

This Sunday, 30th July, 11.00 St Thomas Camelford join us for a Benefice service of Holy Communion. Rev’d Geraldine Ashton will be leading the service, with our Layreader Claire Salzmann preaching the sermon. Then, in the afternoon, a special chance to celebrate the end of St Teath Carnival, with a Flower Festival Songs of Praise in St Teath church, 4.00pm. The Choir are already gearing up, hoping you can join us for a final fling at the end of Carnival week!

Two Bishops and a Landlord…..

It’s not every day you get to see two bishops and a landlord, so this was a very special occasion! We were delighted to host Bishops Philip and Hugh to explain current developments in the On The Way process to us. Friends from across the Deanery joined us for a bite to eat and an informal chat with both bishops in St Teath Church Hall. At the end, they had enough time to pop over to the White Hart to pull a pint or two. Here they are chatting with landlord Barry, who has been an active member of St Teath choir since the age of five. During that time, his duties have included being churchwarden, crucifer and bass in the choir. We’ve given Barry a framed picture of the event, which will hang alongside a picture of our old friends Derryn and Jem, also in their robes and pulling a pint.

July diary dates

Sunday 2nd July 10.00 am am St Julitta Breakfast Communion

Sunday 2nd July 16.00 am St Thomas Songs of Praise

Friday 7th July 9.00 am St Julitta Holy Communion followed by Breakfast

Sunday 9th July 10.30 am Delabole Carnival Tent, Churches Together

Sunday 9th July 11.00 am St Teath Morning Worship

Sunday 9th July 11.15 am St Adwena Holy Communion

Thursday 13th July 19.00 pm St Julitta Compline

Sunday 16th July 9.30 am St Thomas Family Communion

Sunday 16th July 11.00 am St Teath Family Communion with Baptism

Sunday 23rd July 9.30 am St John’s Holy Communion

Sunday 23rd July 10.00 am St Teath Carnival Tent, Breakfast Service

Sunday 23rd July 11.15 am St Julitta Holy Communion

Sunday 30th July 11.00 am St Thomas Benefice Service

Sunday 30th July 16.00 pm St Teath Flower Festival Songs of Praise

In Step with Jesus

Our three services around the Benefice on Sunday 25th June were at St John’s, St Julitta’s and St Teath. At St John’s and St Julitta’s, Rev’d Jeffrey led prayerful and reflective communion services. At St Teath’s Breakfast church, we reflected on being in step with Jesus. Here we see us laying our burdens around the cross and asking to be re-ignited with God’s love through the cross……..