St Teath church welcomed Archdeacon Kelly to lead our first service in January, complete with visual aids and an opportunity to do some playdough modelling! Who knew the reading of the Baptism of Jesus needed props of sand, a chair, a star, a dove and some water? Well now we do!
For our second service of the month we welcomed Claire Charlton, lay reader from Egloshayle. She spoke to us about how God can turn up in the less likely places and is definitely not limited to Sunday services! It was a joy to share our service with Claire who has sung with our choir at the Cathedral on several occasions.
Rev’d Jeffrey Terry was back with us for our third Sunday, talking about how God rejoices in our celebrations.
Our Rhythm & Rhyme group is very popular with local toddlers and their parents. Every other Monday, it’s a great way to start the week and get to know other local families.
We’re gearing up now for the Licensing service of our new Rector and Pioneer Priest, Rev’d Nicki Farr. All are welcome to the service on Thursday 7th March, 7.00pm, in St Teath church. If you’re planning on attending, please could you let Gareth know, so we can have enough seats and refreshments afterwards.